Thursday, September 18, 2008

Liar, Liar

It doesn't even seem like candidates care that they get caught telling their tall tales. (Click graphic to enlarge.)

Read story here:

Now, I'm sure Sen. Joe Biden, and the heads of each one of these political tickets have made some mis-statements - or told outright lies - as well. Afterall, politicians tend to fall into this trap.

Unfortunately, when I went to, I didn't find any for the other candidates. If you can think of lies some of the other candidates have told, please post them below so that we can all shake our dayum heads and step lightly through the BS.

No More Lies - Michelle


Anonymous said...

Don't all these people lie??? We're in an information age where we can wikipedia anything and get an answer that is somewhat the truth... Politicians nowadays lie less than ones in the past. Remember the first Bush's fmaous "read my lips, no new taxes." Liar liar... Just got to deal with it. We live in a society that's hidden the truth from us for centuries, if we get the 100% real, we may not be able to handle it. And it's election season. All the motherfuckers just talk out they ass to get the votes... you know the drill!

Smoke & Passion said...

Yesiree, if you're a politician chances are you've lied or stretched the truth, a lot.

And yes, election season is the silly season when politicians lie and stretch the most. But do we really have to deal with it? Can't we demand better?

RiPPa said...

The thing that amazes me, is the people who remain in denial once the truth is brought to light.

Smoke & Passion said...

Pigeonhole and I had a great conversation about this Rippa. We blame it on a lack of critical thinking skills.