Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bail Out For Bullies

I am thinking since the Chinese are going to loan us $700 billion to bail out Wall Street so we can keep buying their cheap stuff at Walmart, we might as well ask for $1 trillion.

Why the hell not?

I awoke to news reports that Congress is close to making a deal on the bailout plan. A bailout for bullies, who typically enough, wrote much of the very legislation on which the U.S. Congress is about to vote.

What's next, will Hank Paulson hire these very same Wall Street bullies to administer the very plan they helped write? The same bullies fired from their cushy bank jobs for corporate malfeasance and mismanagement?

That's how Washington, DC works. No wonder we're losing our pants.

As I grabbed a cup of coffee, my thoughts lingered on the bullies. Not just the bullies on Wall Street, but perhaps one of the biggest bullies of them all, George W. Bush. You remember him, though many of you would perhaps rather forget. He's the guy notorious for saying "you're either with us or against us."

Well here we go again.

Get your hand outta my pocket!

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