Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dangerous. Naive. Lacks Experience and Knowledge.

After gritting my teeth throughout last night's debate, my first emotion was furor.

I was furious with Sen. Barack Obama for over-talking himself and getting mired in the details of his political plans. "Mister Senator, nobody gives a damn about details anymore, hit the highlights and keep it moving," I yelled at the television screen.

I was furious that Sen. John McCain kept using code-words to put-down Obama, and Obama just let it ride. While I understand the WHY behind Obama doing so, I felt he missed an opportunity to continually tie McCain to the failures of this current administration. "Remind people of high gas prices, declining wages, lop-sided tax policies, and job losses," I hurled, furious that Obama hadn't jabbed back.

Dangerous. Naive. Lacks Experience and Knowledge.

McCain kept repeating these condescending terms, sending subtle messages into the subconscious of his core audience out in TV Land. You know who I'm talking about-- those who live in "rural America," "mainstream America," or in the "heartland." Those "values voters," "soccer mom," and "hockey moms."

I kept hearing McCain utter the word "dangerous" over and over, a racist code-word if you ask me. The Republican-sponsored Willie Horton ad of the 1980s flashed across my mind. Remember it?

That made me more angry.

I went to bed thinking neither candidate had come out any better or worse than they had been before the off-again, on-again debate. But then I awoke this morning with these words still stuck in my head.




Warning! Warning! Warning!

McCain used the right words, he just directed them at the wrong person.

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