Sunday, October 26, 2008

Did anyone watch the new DL Hughley Show on CNN?

I have to admit, I didn't watch it. Actually, I never intend to.

DL Hughley just isn't that funny to me. And when he does manage to be funny, the material is often "borrowed" from another comedian who is... funny. I fell out with Hughley a long time ago when he used to do a lot of stand-up. But the final straw came when he agreed with Controversial Radio Host Dom Imus that members of the Rutgers Women's Basketball Team were a bunch of "nappy headed hoes."

I know we're supposed to support our own, but we have to draw the line somewhere. Wrong is wrong.

Finally, I have a problem with CNN, which is supposed to be a Cable News Network (hence its acronym) moving farther away from delivering news and resembling more of an entertainment company.

Time Warner - parent company of CNN - already competes with Comedy Central Network (which broadcasts The Daily Show as well as the Colbert Report). Time Warner owns HBO, so why not air DL after the the Bill Maher Show on Friday nights?

And if Time Warner/CNN really wants to do a better job competing with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, why not choose a comedian who is actually funny?

While I do not plan to support DL Hughley's new show, I would like to know what others think of it, especially in light of the fact that I haven't heard much talk about it other than Scott McClellan's endorsement of Barack Obama during the show's debut on CNN over the weekend.

So what do those who watched think about DL's new show? Is it worth me breaking my personal boycott or what?


Anonymous said...


It was pretty horrible. I think though that he looked REALLY nervous. I think when he calms down it'll get better.

He also needs writers.

The really weird part about his monologue was that every joke seemed to be racial only.



I think that the viewers need to make their opinions known at CNN!

We need to stop tolerating this debasement.

We are sick of minstrels getting air time that belongs to black intellectuals who will elevate the national dialogue! Let us make that known!

Jonathan Klein
1 CNN Center
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-827-1700
Fax: 404-827-1099


Susan Bunda
Executive Vice President of Content Development


Bart Feder
Senior Vice President of Current Programming

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

Smoke & Passion said...

I heard that the second show was better. I'm still not watching, but maybe cnn watcher is right...

I just don't see how DL could make a show like this last for very long. But I could be wrong.