Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cindy McCain made a funny

Here's one for the "if that ain't calling the kettle black" files.

Before last night's debate Cindy McCain, wife of Republican presidential nominee John McCain for those who have been asleep, accused Sen. Barack Obama of running one of the dirtiest campaigns in history.

She said what?!?!

While making a campaign appearance at a children's hospital in Tennessee, Cindy McCain said her husband would correct Obama's distortions about her husband.

Hmm... well, I don't know that he did that Cindy.

Here's the quote:

Cindy McCain said today that she expects her husband to clear the record at tonight’s debate and let America know where he truly stands.

McCain, who stopped to visit a half-dozen children at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt today, said the presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama has "waged the dirtiest campaign in American history,” and her husband Sen. John McCain will use tonight’s debate to correct the distortions.

“What I have found is that it’s necessary to make sure the American people understand what we have to say, what we stand for as a husband and wife, and what we will do for the American people if we’re lucky enough to be elected,” Cindy McCain said.

For the record, both campaigns have been distorting one each other's record. But if I had to call it as I see it, McCain has gone further out on that limb than Obama.

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