Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Now Bush wants to bailout credit card companies too?

Oh Hells NO!!!!!

U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. said he wants to expand the government's $700 billion bailout program to include credit card, student loan and car loan companies, part of an effort to ensure that households and businesses have access to a broad array of borrowing options.

In a speech this morning, Paulson laid out his priorities for some $350 billion of the bailout fund that remains uncommitted. Much of the first half was used for direct capital investments into banks.

The remainder, Paulson said, should be used to reinvigorate the market for credit cards, student and auto loans -- which combined account for some 40 percent of consumer credit.

"This market, which is vital for lending and growth, has for all practical purposes ground to a halt," Paulson said.

His comments amount to a significant shift in the use of the bailout fund from a program to remove troubled loans from the books of financial institutions, and into an effort to support household and business spending at a time when both are in decline.

Paulson said that the original plans for the Troubled Asset Relief Program -- to buy bad mortgage loans from banks -- has now been shelved in favor of other uses for the money.

Read the rest of the story here:

First question: Why do credit cards companies need my tax dollars? Aren't they already getting enough of my money?

Second question: Is G.W. Bush trying to give away the store before Barack Obama gets into office?

Just damn.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Hank read, "If you give a mouse a cookie"

It's a children's book and it might help!