Thursday, April 2, 2009

Is Anyone Else Tired of Michelle Obama Coverage, Or Is It Just Me?

Okay, last night I was bombarded with news stories concerning Michelle Obama's major faux paux of touching Queen Elizabeth?

Heavens to Betsy!

It's not like the world economy is teetering near disaster or anything, but hey, we have to read about something other than Glenn Beck's apparent breakdown, I guess.

Don't get me wrong, I'm proud and happy that the First Lady is showing the world, and many in America, the face of the average black woman: Educated, beautiful, strong, warm, nurturing, graceful and gracious.

Yes, we're all that and more.

But it does feel that I'm on Michelle O-overload!

One moment I'm reading what used to be two of my favoritie columnists debating whether she should cover her arms within the staid pages of The New York Times. Then I read about her vegetable garden, visiting schoolchildren and feeding the homeless. She, it appears, is just as good as June Cleaver, so much so that she's winning over some of the same Republicans who, just a couple of months ago, would have had her stay behind in Chicago instead of move to Washington.

Then, last week on the eve of Mrs. Obama's trip to London, I heard a talk-radio host call the First Lady trash. Next I'm reading an article in that refered to her as a female dog (editor won't let me use the actual term in this publication, but I'm quite sure you can guess).

Now, I'm hearing how Michelle Obama is taking the world by storm.

Ink overflows about her style, her smile, her grace.

What did they expect, for Obama to wrap herself in red, black and green, blow her out into an righteous afro and throw up black power signs everywhere she goes?

Puhleeze! Some of the adulation is bordering on plain-old-patronizing.

So... I have to ask: Is anyone else tired of how Michelle Obama is being covered in the media or is it just me?

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