Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Republicans Trying to Link Illinois Scandal to Obama

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald says he's making "no allegations that President-elect Barack Obama was aware" of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich allegedl pay-to-play antics. But that's not stopping some Republicans from trying to link it to Obama.

Check this out: "Robert "Mike" Duncan, chairman of the Republican National Committee, saidi: "Americans expect strong leadership, but President-elect Barack Obama's comments on the matter are insufficient at best."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Obama has said that he hasn't talked to the Governor in at least two years. What else can Obama add to that?

Well, we also know from the transcript of the wiretaps on Blagojevich that he had been communicating with lower level Obama staff. By his own wiretapped statements, Blagovevich was upset that the Obama people weren't playing ball.

In fact, Blagojevich called Obama a "motherfu_ker" for not giving him anything in return for appointing the person the Obama people wanted to fulfill his U.S. Senate seat. According to scuttlebutt around Washington, that person was Valerie Jarrett, the woman Obama just made his Chief of Staff instead.

All the juicy details are in the transcript, you can read it yourself so I won't bore you with that. I also won't bore you with any more rumors flying around your nation's capitol. What I find more interesting is the Republican attempt to make some, if not all, of the controversy stick to Obama.

Will it work?

Stay tuned...

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